Why I Don’t Celebrate Valentine’s Day, free printable cards

Free printable cards: Why I don't celebrate Valentine's Day

Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 01:27 am

free printables why i don't celebrate valentine's day

I used to love the excitement of Valentine’s Day—it felt like a fun, harmless way to celebrate love. But after becoming one of Jehovah’s Witnesses, I discovered something that completely reshaped my view of this tradition.

I had always known that Valentine’s Day wasn’t a Christian holiday but I had never really looked into its origins. As I deepened my understanding of the Bible, I realized that not all popular traditions align with Jehovah’s standards.

One day, I asked myself: Where did Valentine’s Day actually come from? What I discovered surprised me. The history of this holiday is a mix of pagan customs and later religious traditions, far removed from the kind of love Jehovah teaches us to show.

A Closer Look at Valentine’s Day’s Origins

Here are a few key facts about this holiday’s history:

  • In the late 5th century, a pope replaced the Roman festival of Lupercalia—a pagan fertility celebration—with a feast day honoring Saint Valentine.
  • The exact identity of Saint Valentine is unclear. There were multiple martyrs named Valentine who were executed on February 14 in the 3rd century.
  • The ancient Greek god Eros evolved over centuries to become the familiar Cupid figure we associate with Valentine’s Day, embodying themes of love

Strange, right? But even without digging too deep, it’s clear that this holiday isn’t something Jehovah approves of.

Love—The Bible’s Perspective

As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we want to reflect true Christian love—not the kind promoted by commercialized holidays, but the selfless, principled love that Jesus demonstrated. He said:

“By this all will know that you are my disciples—if you have love among yourselves.” —John 13:35

Rather than setting aside one day for love, we strive to show love every day in meaningful ways.

How Can We Show Love in a Meaningful Way?

Here are a few simple but powerful ways to express love and kindness:

✔️ Write encouraging cards or letters to fellow believers.
✔️ Spend quality time with someone who needs companionship.
✔️ Assist elderly or sick members of your congregation.

A Special Gift for You!

To wrap up, I have a little gift for you—a set of printable postcards that you can download!

Feel free to share them with children in your congregation, Bible students, use them for a family worship project or, if you’d like, keep them for yourself as a handy refresher on why we choose not to celebrate this day.

Print on the cardstock for extra sturdiness.

Let’s make this February a time of genuine love—the kind that truly honors Jehovah.

Why I Don\'t Celebrate Valentine\'s Day, free printable cardsWhy I Don\'t Celebrate Valentine\'s Day, free printable cardsWhy I Don\'t Celebrate Valentine\'s Day, free printable cardsWhy I Don\'t Celebrate Valentine\'s Day, free printable cardsWhy I Don\'t Celebrate Valentine\'s Day, free printable cardsWhy I Don\'t Celebrate Valentine\'s Day, free printable cards
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