Last updated on December 20th, 2024 at 05:05 pm

I’ve had it on my mind for a while – something I’ve always wanted to create – easily accessible index cards that explain my faith and why I don’t celebrate Halloween. These cards provide a brief overview of Jehovah’s Witnesses beliefs and why we choose not to participate in this popular holiday. I hope they will be an excellent tool for helping others understand your faith and the values that guide your life.
This downloadable set includes pocket-sized cards that explain information about Halloween and its origins, supported by Bible verses.
These tiny cards are super handy to carry around. Not only are they perfect for sharing your thoughts on Halloween with your colleagues, but they’re also great gifts for your Bible students or kids. These cards make it easy for them to express their beliefs to others, whether in the classroom or with friends. Additionally, they serve as a friendly reminder for ourselves, too. Simply tuck them in your wallet or purse for easy access whenever you need them.
I hope you can make good use of these little cards and that they will be an excellent tool for helping others understand your faith and values, what you stand for, and what shapes your life. For extra sturdiness and durability, you can print on card stock paper.
Subscribe below to get the free cards.

Greetings! I am Alla Lily, and I have been on a quest to make my personal study more enjoyable and effective. My journey has led me to create Daily Text Printables a tool that can help you transform your spiritual study routine and boost retention and comprehension of the material. Read more.