Last updated on February 21st, 2025 at 09:21 pm

When I initially designed my very first printables for the second Daily Text Challenge, I never anticipated that it would eventually turn into something bigger.
It all started as a small experiment to create simple printables to stay motivated for the Daily Text Challenge and get you started with creative journaling.
The positive feedback and enthusiasm from you were overwhelming. It really warms my heart to see how much you appreciated my work and how this little printable was helping you out not only to be more consistent with reading the daily text but also to slow down, focus and helped you to remember the text better. Plus, some of you find it therapeutic because of the creativity involved.
It’s amazing how something so small can bloom into a beautiful and impactful project. My little experiment turned into a monthly routine during 2023.
And guess what?
I am happy to let you know that I will be creating the Daily Text Printables in 2024 on a monthly basis.
You can download them now from or through the form below.
Greetings! I am Alla Lily, and I have been on a quest to make my personal study more enjoyable and effective. My journey has led me to create Daily Text Printables a tool that can help you transform your spiritual study routine and boost retention and comprehension of the material. Read more.