Personal Study Project – Neutrality

A few personal study ideas about neutrality.

Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 01:41 am

It’s been almost 7 months since the pandemic lockdown started, and we’re witnessing a lot of social unrest in different parts of the globe.

In today’s politically charged world, we want to make sure that even our hearts and minds don’t get involved in worldly political affairs and stay neutral.

During our recent CO visit, we were encouraged to study the topic of neutrality. I created some notes that I’d love to share with you, as well as a few study ideas about neutrality.

Studying neutrality can help our hearts and minds remain politically neutral, stay focused on spiritual matters, and remain loyal to Jehovah and his Kingdom, which is the only solution to this world’s problems.

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Personal Study Topics about Neutrality

  • Enjoy Life Forever Book, Lesson 45: What It Means to Be Neutral
  • November 1, 1999, Watchtower, p.28-29, “Questions From Readers”
  • June 2018 Watchtower, p. 3-7, “My Kingdom Is No Part of This World”
  • Remain in God’s Love, p. 244, endnote 16
  • Video: David Schafer: Christian Neutrality – What It Means, What It Takes, and Why We Choose It. 